Natures classroom is an interactive garden classroom teaching maximum usage of space and water in the high desert climates. Garden displays include grow bags, trellis, containers, gutter walls, a greenhouse, an aquaponic set up and raised bed gardens. There is also water collection, worm farming and composting. Plant starts will be sold from the garden to support the produce donations to local food box pantries. Often times food banks lack in fresh produce. Natures Classroom has container gardens set aside just for donations of fresh vegetables. There are plots set aside for community members to grow their own produce. They are also given space inside The Market to sell their goods, supplementing their incomes. Classes include canning and preserving, dehydrating, and cooking with different produce grown in the garden. The goals of the garden are to strengthen community bonds, create self sustainability in homes, educate in the maximum use of water and soil in the garden, supplement local food banks with fresh produce and to engage individuals in healthier eating habits.